Welcome to ABERRANT; an upcoming webcomic releasing 8/29/25 In this Carrd, you can read up about aberrant , its development, and overall progress!!
All is well in the land of Aderia. Angro is doing well, and the council is as powerful as ever.
Axel has lived there for as long as he can remember, and has been living his whole life under their care. However, he begins to realize things are not quite right with Angro. Strange things have been happening lately. Mysterious deaths have been spotted in far away places, striking fear into the heart of the world. Rumors of a horrible beast arising from the spine, the most feared place in all of Aderia leads Axel's only friend Kaine to begin investigating. What she finds changes everything.Only one thing is for certain, something is wrong, and something needs to be done about it.
Want to know more? Information is a good place to start!!
Look at art by the artist behind the project!!
Learn more about to fascinating world building of Aberrant in Aderia.
Read the first official chapter of Aberrant here 👆
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What is Aberrant?
Aberrant is an upcoming webcomic releasing August 29th, 2025 that will be releasing chapters on a biweekly schedule.Aberrant is a story about revolution in the face of violent oppressors who do everything in their power to obscure the true history of the world. It is a story about fighting back, finding a place to belong, healing from trauma, discovering yourself, becoming your own person, and exploring the complexities of human nature.I aim to create a story with engaging plot, along with lots of action, drama, character depth and a little bit of queer romance.SUMMARY
(subject to change)All is well in the land of Aderia. Angro is doing well, and the council is as powerful as ever.
Axel has lived there for as long as he can remember, and has been living his whole life under their care. However, he begins to realize things are not quite right with Angro. Strange things have been happening lately. Mysterious deaths have been spotted in far away places, striking fear into the heart of the world. Rumors of a horrible beast arising from the spine, the most feared place in all of Aderia leads Axel's only friend Kaine to begin investigating. What she finds changes everything.Only one thing is for certain, something is wrong, and something needs to be done about it.NOTE FROM CREATOR
Given the sheer amount of content that I have planned for this project, it is impossible to do the scale of it justice in a small summary. I hope you can all trust me when i say that I have so, so so much planned for this. Be ready, you are going to need it.
Currently writing Arcs 1-3
ARC 1 HAS ENTERED THE DRAWING STAGEEarly access to these chapters is available in the discord server after a 5$ payment, since I do not have a patreon at the moment!
Artwork done for Aberrant
Welcome to Aderia
Aderia, a world born of unknown origins. A planet similar to the earth you know, but also significantly different.Aderia is a warm planet, within a binary star system. It has warm oceans and dense forests, Along with a fascinating biosphere filled with strange fauna and flora, creatures thought to be impossible of earthy physics.The world of Aderia is inhabited by Aderians, sometimes called manfolk. They are "cat-like" humanoids possessing poseable pointed ears, sharp fangs and clawed hands and feet.Manfolk are not the only powerful beings on the land of Aderia, dragons are rare, but far exceed the power of manfolk.Dragons are practically nonexistent to the average manfolk, only being heard of through myths and legends about their monstrous strength, and their terrifying ability to use mana. They live safely knowing that all dragons were banished to the spine by Akal shortly following his rise to power. However, recently the dragons have been pushing the limits, breaching outside of the spine.This is the current state of Aderia, manfolk and dragon are bracing for another war, Akal preparing to completely wipe them out, for good this time.
Aberrant's worldbuilding is one of the most developed and fleshed out aspects of this project.
Aderia is a beautiful world covered in life. From unique plant life to creatures unknown. Meet the life of Aderia, from the smallest critter to the largest dragon.But first, let’s review the classification of organisms on Aderia.Creatures on Aderia are mostly grouped by how much mana they possess. All living creatures (with the exception of manfolk) possess mana in some form. Wether ur be to help their bodies function, or to use in combat. The level at which mana is used determines the organisms class.The mana classes are as followed:Basic also known as simplenus
are creatures that do not utilize their natural mana in a significant way. Most of these creatures use it to help with digestion, cardiovascular activity, and other natural bodily functions. This use of mana is so minor however that it is almost undetectable. Manfolk were considered part of this class for ages, before moving to their own class. The majority of all fauna on Aderia fall under this class.Dragonic, also known as Univernus
Are creatures that utilize their mana in a far more complex way, able to use it for other, external functions. These functions can be something like, using it to grow plants, warming the body to extreme temperatures, and even shooting beams of energy from their bodies. What makes these creatures dragonic is the fact that their use is limited, and it takes weeks for them to build up enough mana to use it frequently. Most dragonic use their mana during mating season or for self defense.True Dragons, also known as illimitus
Are creatures that can use mana freely, seemingly with no limit. The only creatures alive known to fall under this class are dragons, hence the name. These creatures use their mana for offense, unlike almost every other creature on Aderia. This can be through fire breath, energy bursts, or even producing iron like substances on their bodies. These creatures will eventually run out of mana, but they regenerate it at a significantly higher speed than other organisms.
The people of the old world believed that all mana stimmed from dragons, and the gods that their mana was gifted from.Abberations
Creatures that defy everything we thought we knew about Aderia and how it’s life work. From their Mana, to their biological structure, everything about these beasts should not exist. Avoid at all costs.Side note: some creatures are left out of this list, there are honestly too many to cover lol
Normal animals, nothing really interesting.

Creatures capable of using mana in some capacity.
Cave Scrob
Medium sized creatures found in cave systems that use mana to light up patterns on their body. Are fairly dangerous and are a primary reason caves are so deadly.

Tree ScrobMedium sized carnivores that are often used as transportation. They are able to climb trees and run remarkably fast. They are also powerful enough to defend themselves against a majority of predators. They use mana to boost their stamina, so they are capable of running much faster for much longer.

Small predators primarily found in Dracobira and the Blue Peaks. Very intelligent, typically used to carry messages. These creatures use their mana to increase their stamina during emergency situations.

Thorn Drake
Thorn drakes are medium sized omnivores that primarily feed on fruits and small mammals. They grow thorns on their tails, they use these thorns for self defense and mating displays. If threatened enough, they will shoot these thorns out of their tail by sending an excess amount of oxygen to the roots. Their mana helps them do this.

Large herbivorous grazers. They are solitary in nature, and often become aggressive. The second head on their tail is not a separate entity, how it exists is a mystery. Chernes use mana to shoot beams of energy out of their horns.

Also known as true dragons.
With large, dark stripes and long silky fur, the woodland tigris dragons come in a variety of colors ranging from orangish brown to purplish brown, to even white and black. Luxous dragons are the smallest species of true dragon.
Omnivorous pack hunting dragons that are found primarily in Dracobira and Springvale, but can be found almost everywhere. However since the rise of Akal, most of them reside in midnight forest and the spine. They are surprisingly timid, and avoid humans. Like all true dragons, they are remarkably intelligent. They are capable of speaking serpentongue, but communicate with their own kind in grunts and growls. Their diet mostly consists of fruits and large mammals.These dragons are mostly known for their large packs, almost functioning like herds except for the fear of predators, as dragons do not hunt other dragons. Their packs consist of the dominant breeding pair, their children, and the rest of the pack consists of loners, or other families the dominant pair have adopted. The higher ranking members are the ones who hunt the most and are given the responsibility of protecting them.These dragons are known to use mana to rapidly heal their own wounds, and they are able to heal others wounds. Also known to boost their bodily functions for their own gains. The last time a tigris dragon was recorded using these abilities on manfolk was before Akals rise to power.

ACHELOUSWith a thick mane and beautiful blue-green scales, the Achelous is the most elusive of all dragons. They spend their time swimming in deep rivers, eating fish along their way. They are almost entirely pescivores, meaning they mostly eat fish.Little is known about them, but It is assumed that before Akals rise to power they lived anywhere that would inhabit a river.There is some documentation of these dragons manipulating the light around them to seemingly alter their appearance, which is likely the reason they are so elusive and rare.

Large elegant crests with the addition of thick, hard scales make the scorch wyvern a formidable foe. Colors and patterns ranging from dark oranges, reds, browns, blacks and even yellows. The scorch wyvern is the most common dragon anyone will see.They are carnivores solitary predators whose original habitats ranged from the blue peaks to dracobira, to even the spine. Scorch wyvern are considered the least intelligent of the dragon species, them being able to speak serpentongue is currently undocumented.Scorch wyvern use their mana to produce hot, heavy metal all over their body, this eventually hardens into iron like substances. During this state, they are unable to fly, but it gives the wyvern a heavy advantage during ground combat, which is primarily how they fight. Scorch wyverns have slowly been adapting more and more to a ground based lifestyle due to their mana. They are also capable of breathing fire.

Large, incredibly intelligent dragons capable of harvesting the power of the very sky itself. With a large mane, light elegant patterns with the colors of the sky, Thundarias have been “a thorn in Angros side” for hundreds of years. They live in family groups, but they all answer to one, the king.Scarily intelligent, they speak serpentongue and have a complex social structure. Family units led by two parents, and the rest of the members being siblings, cousins, or adopted members. Family units are not often friendly with eachother, and will frequently fight for territory. However, no quarrels matter when faced with the king. Thundarius all anwser to a king, the dragon king. This ruler often has their position because they are the strongest. These rulers have the respect of all of the Thundarius. They will not take a petty opportunity to kill the king, but prefer to have a fair duel. It is often a battle to the death. This is rare however.Thundarius are the dragons that are most vocal about their hatred of Angro and the manfolk that serve them. They view Angro as a bunch of snickering hounds following the false god. Thundarius are very devoted to the ways of the old gods, and think Akal is a fraud. Thundarius were the ones to first revolt against Akal, they were the first to be banished to the spine. All other dragons would follow shortly after.

The largest of all true dragons, dagger tails are known for the large and deadly blade sprouting the end of their tails. Almost all dagger tails have dark scales, and all of them are massive in size.Dagger tails are known for being quite elusive, this is theorized being due to their declining population. This decline in population is caused by the sheer lack of resources in the spine. Dagger tails populated most of Aderia before Akal’s rise to power. The exact intelligence of dagger tails is unknown, as they avoid manfolk at all costs, and often kill them when in contact. They breathe large bursts of fire and flame on command, and often cause destruction while doing so. They are completely solitary, only seein with other daggers tails when fighting for mating rights or territory, to mate, or to care for their young.Little is known about these beasts, but their horns sell for good money, making them a target for hunters looking for a quick buck, however most consider it to be a fools job.

It’s just not possible. How… how is this happening to me? Spirits are a myth from the old world, how could thousands of them be in my head?
Reading this scroll is strictly forbidden by Angros laws. Please return this scroll to the nearest high ranking official.

Reading this scroll is strictly forbidden by Angros laws. Please return this scroll to the nearest high ranking official.

Massive city in the heart of Aderia, in its center lies Angro itself, home to Akal and his council. They rule Aderia with an iron fist, using a group called “The Hunters” to do their bidding. These hunters slay wild beasts, quell rebellions and overall keep what they consider to be true peace.The goals of Angro are unknown to most of the people of Aderia. However they claim to be able to return the magic that manfolk lost over 1000 years ago. The ruler, Akal says that he and his council are capable of things far beyond the average dragonborns understanding. Akal himself, calls himself the god of the new world.The history of Angro is murky, and closely guarded. The story they tell is of the unfortunate death of an old god, and the rise of its rightful heir, Akal. Akal was naturally gifted with mana from birth, and claims humanity’s loss of magic was a mistake of the old gods, and that he, the true heir, will fix their mistake.

On the outskirts of Aderia, lies a place known by bloody wars, mysterious creatures and death. A land shrouded in many myths and mysteries. This is the land that Akal banished the dragons too 700 years ago.Humans and dragonborn alike are forbidden to travel here, in fear of causing further tensions between manfolk and dragonkind. Little is known about the spine, however there are rumors of it gaining its name from the corpse of a fallen god. The council says this is falls, and it is actually because the geography looks like the spine of a beast.

Deep below ground… a city lay in ruin. Or perhaps, something great lie in this tomb, perhaps, an anwser.

A dense forest near the spine that is infested with wild beasts. It gets its name due to the city being covered in thick trees and swampy terrain.

City of dragon slayers and warriors. In the heart, lie a coliseum. Dragons and other beasts are captured and brought here to fight for the entertainment of the public.
The city that lies on the largest island outside of Angro. A city filled with mysterious sea faring people, and a government unique and distant from Angro’s, which is a rarity to say the least.
A city in the north, known for being the wealthiest city outside of Angro itself. Norsada is where most prisoners are sent to fulfill their duties serving Angro.
a massive tree at the centre of Aderia. A library filled with endless knowledge. The tree is rumored to be the first thing that the gods of the old world created.

CATAIA IKARIBasic information:Her father had told her that it would grant her the power to make a change in the world.But she could never have expected the consequences to that power.
After being turned into an Apexion, Cataia strives to watch Angro fall to it's knees. Despite planning on doing it alone, she eventually realizes the task at hand is far greater than she could have imagined.She has a cold and determined exterior with a snarky and mysterious cover, yet when she becomes comfortable enough she becomes sweet and very dedicated to those she cares for.

AXELBorn in the heart of Angro, Axel had always been taught to listen to the council no matter what. After all, they granted him a life of "luxury" and protection like no other. He beleived that up until he was 19, when he began to hear mysterious voices and remember his previously forgotten dreams.He has an undying curiosity, and will do whatever it takes in pursuit of knowledge. He has an interest in the outside world which he was never allowed to see, and one day hopes that he can see it.

KAINE ROEBUCKKaine was born into a rich and powerful family in Angro. From a young age, she was taught to be strong, cold and distant, as emotions would make her weaker in battle. However, when she meets a odd girl in the forest, she begins to realize the world is more than her parents taught her. When this girl mysteriously disappears, she begins to lose hope. She joins the forces of Angro, and rises to the high ranks of commander. However, something Is not right. She notices Axel is behaving strangely, and something about the missing people at the borders of Angros control doesn’t quite sit right with her…Personality wise, Kaine is warm and kind, despite what her upbringing urges her to be. She is caring, but very protective. She has a short temper, and tries to see things logically.

BUT THATS NOT ALL!!Obviously, I cannot write an estimated 300+ chapter long comic without well. A lot of characters. Don’t worry, I only covered the main character you see for the entire story!! There are many more trust me, too many to fit on one carrd! That’s why I have a toyhouse, feel free to check them out over there!! All of their info can be seen there. Thank you for reading!!
Other art I’ve done for Aberrant through the years!!NOTE: Most of this is old
Cover pages I have done for Aberrant!! All of these are practice. But they just show you the general style of it all!!
First of all, thank you so much for clicking this button.Second of all, since this is a solo project, I will not be in need of funds for a long time. The only time I ever see myself needing money to continue the project is if supporting myself with a job becomes too time consuming, however that is far ahead in the future.At the moment, I am mostly looking to get more eyes on the project!! So sharing the word helps TREMENDOUSLY!!! My socials where I post progress on the project are linked below, along with the discord server!! Please consider joining if this project interests you at all!! Thank you so much!! /gen

CHAPTER ???Dog teeth
This chapter was created as a test to see how long it would take me on average to complete a chapter!! Enjoy!! (Recommended to read the lycanthropy guide part 2 before reading this.)